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Business Built Freedom

Joshua is a late 80’s vintage and yet to mature. He is a living case study that you don’t stop at failure and more failures lead to success. The constant learning and listening have led Joshua to the position He is with the energizing approach towards business and relationships. After setting up 4 successful companies over 19 years he decided it was time to give some of his knowledge back. You are likely to catch him on the water on a sunny day with his family and friends or building something new and exciting at home on a rainy one.

Aug 25, 2020

Buying a Business With Carl Allen

One of the advantages of buying an existing business is it's less risky. You will take over an operation that is already generating profits and that has an established customer base. You don't have to create new procedures, systems, and policies. All you have to do is to plan for its...

Aug 18, 2020

What To Do In a Financial Downturn With Justine Lalla

The financial crisis in business can be very challenging to deal with and navigate. Several companies have found themselves suddenly forced out of business due to liquidity problems. For business owners, it doesn't matter how many times they try to prevent this kind...

Aug 11, 2020

Niching Your Business With Bryn Harwood

What is a business niche? This is a focused area of a broader market that all kinds of businesses can serve to differentiate themselves from the competition. As a business owner, you should find a niche in the industry that has underserved needs. A few of the strategies you can...

Aug 4, 2020

Business Asset Protection with Jason Popelier

Operating your own business is very challenging. There's no guarantee that it will succeed. Some identified risks include loss of a regular paycheck, loss of personal money or not having steady cash flow at all. That's why it is essential that as a business owner, you have...