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Business Built Freedom

Joshua is a late 80’s vintage and yet to mature. He is a living case study that you don’t stop at failure and more failures lead to success. The constant learning and listening have led Joshua to the position He is with the energizing approach towards business and relationships. After setting up 4 successful companies over 19 years he decided it was time to give some of his knowledge back. You are likely to catch him on the water on a sunny day with his family and friends or building something new and exciting at home on a rainy one.

Jan 31, 2019

I've been asked today to talk about the pros and cons of a flexible work environment. While working from home might mean fewer distractions, people can get lonely and it can lead to spending long periods of time online. Working from home requires a certain level of discipline. I would say you need to have a balance...

Jan 29, 2019

New year, new you, and you've decided to start a new business. This could be anything from floral arrangements to a mechanic, or anything in between. Maybe you're going to be the next Elon Musk. Who knows? But what's important to know is to make sure that you have an appropriate business structure. You don't want to...

Jan 27, 2019

Congratulations! This is a really exciting time for you in business. I remember when I first started out in business. I thought, okay, what am I gonna be doing here? I wrote up a plan and made a decision as to where I wanted to go, and it was really only a couple time that I went, "this is when I've made it." One...

Jan 24, 2019

It's that time of year again, and lots of people have new years resolutions where they're trying to do better by themselves and become the best person they can. One of the things that are common in the new year is an increase in the number of people looking to get a new job. This might be you, or it might not be, but...

Jan 22, 2019

You might be feeling blue, but today we're going to be talking about how to feel green and do business sustainably. If you're a millennial, a lot of you are minimalists and you might already be doing a lot of things in a green way without thinking about it, and minimising your carbon footprint from your efforts. If...