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Business Built Freedom

Joshua is a late 80’s vintage and yet to mature. He is a living case study that you don’t stop at failure and more failures lead to success. The constant learning and listening have led Joshua to the position He is with the energizing approach towards business and relationships. After setting up 4 successful companies over 19 years he decided it was time to give some of his knowledge back. You are likely to catch him on the water on a sunny day with his family and friends or building something new and exciting at home on a rainy one.

Jun 27, 2019

The Effects of a Poor Hire

Today I'm going to talk about website migration, and it's not the type of website migration where you're going from one host to another. Generally speaking, that's pretty straightforward and only requires potentially relicensing of software that you're using. What we're going to be talking...

Jun 25, 2019

Scott Aurisch NRG Boost Fitness Interview

This is a special episode courtesy of the Dorks Delivered Youtube channel where Josh interviews Scott Aurisch about his life in business and what motivates him.

Josh Lewis and Scott from NRG Boost Fitness talk about taking the plunge in business in the fitness industry.

To read...

Jun 20, 2019

Office 365 Does Not Backup Your Data

You might have Microsoft Office 365, and that's awesome. However, Office 365 doesn't have any backups. That's right! Think about that for a moment. They have infrastructure backup and uptime guarantees so that you know that the systems are reliable, but if you go and delete...

Jun 18, 2019

Security Through Obscurity is Not Security at All

A little while ago, I started thinking about how far the world has come and going back into the days of my first job (Yep. Many, many moons ago at Jaycar). I was thinking about how many people paid and their PIN number was on the back of their credit card or on the back...

Jun 13, 2019

How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

What we're going to talk about is sleep, why that's important, why you're more productive with more sleep and not too much sleep and not too little sleep that it's not enough sleep. 

To read the full transcript, visit the Dorks Delivered...