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Business Built Freedom

Joshua is a late 80’s vintage and yet to mature. He is a living case study that you don’t stop at failure and more failures lead to success. The constant learning and listening have led Joshua to the position He is with the energizing approach towards business and relationships. After setting up 4 successful companies over 19 years he decided it was time to give some of his knowledge back. You are likely to catch him on the water on a sunny day with his family and friends or building something new and exciting at home on a rainy one.

Dec 19, 2023

In the last episode of 2023, Josh looks back on the year that was. Due to the arrival of new baby Harrison, this will be the last episode of Business Built Freedom for the foreseeable future until later in 2024. Thank you to everyone for all their support - enjoy the holidays and have a great new years!



Dec 7, 2023

Have you ever wondered how Google works? What's the point of the search engine? How do you get to the top? This week, Josh was joined by Tim Nelson from TPR Media to talk about all things digital marketing. 

Tim Nelson is the Digital Marketing Director of TPR Media, a full-service digital agency that specialises in...