Aug 29, 2019
Marketing to Millennials
It doesn't matter if you've just started out in business or if you've been in business for 50 years. If you are still in business, you need to take some new things into account. If you're selling to a business, such as when you're a business-to-business (B2B) business, this may be less required...
Aug 27, 2019
Common Mistakes In Small Business: Part Two
Well, we had such a fantastic response from the previous podcast that we've decided to do another one expanding on common mistakes in small businesses. So we already know to remove repetition, step one. The document, step two. Remove objections from your customers, step three....
Aug 22, 2019
Common Mistakes In Small Business: Part One
If you've been in business for a while, you'd know that there are definitely some mistakes that you've made. Today, we've been asked what are the common mistakes that we see around the traps in small businesses. It's a great question because we see a lot. Are you using paper?...
Aug 20, 2019
Brisbane Tattersalls Special Episode
My name is Joshua Lewis. I'm from Dorks Delivered, and I’ve got another company called Business Efficiency Experts. Business Efficiency Experts has been around for about five years, and Dorks Delivered for 12 years, so we've been going around for quite a bit. We started off as an...
Aug 15, 2019
Patching as a Service
So, you're in the cloud. You've got all this awesome infrastructure and you want to make sure that your transactions through the cloud to wherever the data is stored are secure. One of the main things you need to do is make sure you have patching as a service. But what exactly is patching? It is a...