Aug 11, 2020
Niching Your Business With Bryn Harwood
What is a business niche? This is a focused area of a broader market that all kinds of businesses can serve to differentiate themselves from the competition. As a business owner, you should find a niche in the industry that has underserved needs. A few of the strategies you can consider are: selecting your target audience, defining the unmet needs of a particular industry, researching your customer database and creating a business plan. Whether you've been handling business for a while or you just started managing one, you mustn't be only thinking about creating a steady stream of your revenue, but you also need to be aware of how to establish a loyal audience. A solid market of a particular group of customers who will buy from your business will keep you ahead of the competition. In this episode, Bryn Harwood shares his insights about niching your business.
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