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Business Built Freedom

Joshua is a late 80’s vintage and yet to mature. He is a living case study that you don’t stop at failure and more failures lead to success. The constant learning and listening have led Joshua to the position He is with the energizing approach towards business and relationships. After setting up 4 successful companies over 19 years he decided it was time to give some of his knowledge back. You are likely to catch him on the water on a sunny day with his family and friends or building something new and exciting at home on a rainy one.

Apr 30, 2019

How to Manage Your Time

We're going to be talking about repetition, time management and making sure you're making the most of your time and not doing things twice or two times. I promise I won't do that again. Sorry, not sorry. So, how do you make sure that you're not going to do the same mundane task twice?  

To read...

Apr 28, 2019

Tough Employee Conversations

Congratulations! You've reached that time in your business where you have to have a tough employee conversation. Yuck. No one likes this, and if you've got a great team behind you (I'm lucky enough to have a team of unicorns) you don't have to have the discussions too often, but it still...

Apr 25, 2019

You're on the move again and you've decided to migrate your website. That's great news! Today, we're going to be talking about the things you need to put in place before you go about making that move. Learn more about TTL numbers, backups, MX records, and server records so that you can assess your options and...

Apr 23, 2019

If there's something that business owners continuously tell me along with friends and family is that I'm one of the bubbliest characters that they know. I always seem to be happy and excited and have a go-getter attitude. That's what we are going to be talking about today. How do you stay motivated in business? You...

Apr 21, 2019

Oh no. We're going to talk about that nasty thing no one likes to pay, but everyone has to have: Insurance. You have to have it for your cars, your house and also your business. So what sort of business insurance are important? What should you have and what shouldn't you have? What is over the top and what is not? Now,...